The Lamka Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
MCSCC Examination, 2010 Advertisement
Competitive (Preliminary)
Examination, 2010 under the Manipur Civil Services Combined
Competitive Examination
Rules, 2OlO for selecting candidates for the Main Examination for
recruitment to the following
Post reserued for Physically handicapped persons
n: Name of Post Scale pay Class/
Gen sc ST
Manipur Civil
Rs. 9,300-
34,800/- +
Group -A 19 11 5 3
Manipur Police
Rs. 9,300-
34,8001- +
Group -A 25 L4 1 6 3 1
Manipur Finance
Rs. Rs.
34,800/- +
Rs. 4,400
Group-A 23 L4 5 3 1
Rs. Rs.
34,800/- +
Rs. 4,400
Group -A 43 23 1 11 6 2
Seruice Category-
Rs. Rs.
34,8001- +
Rs. 4,400
Group-A 25 t4 7 3 1
6 Election Officer
Rs. Rs.
34,800/- +
Rs. 4,400
Group -A 3 3
Total 138 79 2 34 18 5
Name of the
Category(s) for
which identified
No. of
Manipur Civil
S, SI W, SE, H,
Visual impairment LV
F, PP, L, KC, B, S,
imoairment HH
F.PP, L, KC, B, S,
ST. W,H,RWT. 1
\yo- /t .-=-
Note :- 1. Persons suffering from not less than 4Oo/o ol the relevant
disability shall
alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation.
2. The'candidate should be in possession of disability certificate in the
prescribed form issued by the competent authority in this regard.
The number of vacancies is liable to change. The plan of the Combined
Examination is as given a,t Appendix-L
2. Centre of Examination : Imphal
3. Eligibility Conditions:
(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
(ii) Age Limit : (a) Shall not be less than 21 years and not more than
30 years as on
31st December, 2010.
(b) The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for
OBC and 10
years for Persons with Disabilities. Candidates belonging to SC/SVOBC
who are also
physically handicapped will be eligible for grant of cumulative age
relaxation under
both the categories.
(c) Further, the upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates
of all categories
as a one time measure by the Government and the maximum age limit for all
categories of candidates shall be as under :-
(i) 35 years for General category;
(ii) 38 years for OBC;
(iii) 40 years for SC & ST;
(iv) 45 years for physically handicapped candidates belonging to General
(v) 48 years for physically handicapped candidates belonging to OBC;
(vi) 50 years for physically handicapped belonging to SC & ST.
Name of the
Category(s) for
which identified
No. of
Manipur Finance
OL, OAL, BL srwrsE,RWc 1
Visual Imoairment LV 0
Tmnairment HH 0
3 Jr. MCS
BA, Ol-, OA,
S, ST, W, SE, H,
Visual impairment LV
W.H.RWT. 1
Tmoairment HH
F, PP, L, KC, B, S,
\- ,
:ontd"'P3l- VY}
(iii) EducationalQualifications:
A candidate must hold a degree of any of the Universities incorporated
by an Act of
the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational
Institutions established
by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under
Section 3 of
the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possesi an equivalent
qualification as
prescribed under Clasue 6 (iii) of Schedule II, Chapter I of the
Manipur Civil Services
Combined Competitive Examination Rules, 2010.
Note:l All candidates, who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking
Combined Competitive (Main) Examination will be required to produce
proof of passing the requisite examination along with their application for
the Main Examination failing which candidates will not be admitted to the
Main Examination.
Note:2 Candidates possessing professional and technical qualifications which are
recognized by the Government as equivalent to professional and technical
degree would also be eligible for admission to the Examination.
Note:3 Candidates who have passed the final professional MBBS or any other
Medical Examination but have not completed their Internship by the time
of submission of their application for Combined Competitive (Main)
Examination, will be provisionally admitted to the Examination provided
they submit along with their application a copy of certificate from the
concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the
requisite final professional medical examination. In such cases, the
candidates will be required to produce at the time of their interview,
original degree or a certificate from the concerned competent authority for
the University/Institution that they had completed all requirements
(including completion of Internship) for award of the Degree.
(iv) No. of attempts :
4(four) attempts for general candidates,
7(seven) attempts for OBCs,
No restriction for SC/ST candidates who are othenruise eligible.
A physically disabled person will get as many attempts as are available to
other non-physically handicapped candidates of his or her community,
subject to the condition that a physically handicapped candidate belonging to
General Category shall be eligible for seven attempts. The relaxation will be
available to the physically handicapped candidates who are eligible to avail of
reseruation applicable to such candidates.
An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at
the Examination.
Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature, the fact of
appearance of the candidate at the examinafion will count as an attempt.
il. y )'---
4. FEE : Rs. 200/-(Gen & OBC) and Rs. 50/- (SC & ST) in cash payable
to the Secretary, Manipur
Public Seruice Commission, Imphal. Physically handicapped candidates
are exempted from payment
of fee. Any other forms of payment will not be entertained.
Applications not accompanied by the full
prescribed fee will not be considered except for the physically
handicapped candidates.
5. The prescribed application forms along with syllabi for Preliminary
will be available free of cost from the counter of the office of MPSC
during office hour
from 27.11.2010. The candidate may also download the application'forms
along with syllabus for
Preliminary Examination from the Commission's website,' htto: mpscmaniour.aouin,
6. The candidate or his/ her representative shall submit in person/ by
hand the dully filled in
application forms along with the self addressed stamped(Rs 5i,
envelope of the size of 23x10 cm. In
no case the candidates should submit their application forms through
postal seruice/ couriers in the
wake of the uncertainty of postal seruices at this present juncture.
Loss or delay due to postal service
will not be the responsibility of the Commission and no claims in such
matters will be entertained.
7. All candidates in service other than casual or muster roll will be
required to state in the
application Form that they have informed in writing their
employer/controlling authority that they
have applied for the examination. In case the employer or the
controlling authority withholds
permission to the candidates applying for appearing at the examination
their application will be
rejected and his/her candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
B. The last date for issue and receipt of application form and
determination of age is
9. No candidate will be admitted to the Preliminary/Main Examination
unless he/she holds a
certificate of admission from the Commission for that purpose.
10. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or othenruise
of a candidate for admission
to the Examination shall be final. If on verification at any time
before or after the Preliminary
Examination, Main Examination and Interuiew, it is found that a
candidate does not fulfill any of the
eligibility conditions, his/her candidature for the Examination will
be cancelled by the Commission.
11. A candidate who is, or has been, declared by the Commission to be
guilty of :-
(i) Obtaining support for his candidature by the following means, namely :-
(a) offering illegal gratification to, or
(b) applying pressure on, or
(c) blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected
with the conduct of
the examination, or
impersonating/ or
p;ocuring impersonation by any person or
submittihg fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with, or
(v) making statement which are incorrect or false or suppressing information, or
Y 'f,-.-, Contd....P5/-
(vi) resofting to the following means in connection with his/her
candidature for the
examination, namely:-
(a) obtaining copy of question paper through improper means,
(b) finding out the pafticulars of the persons connected with secret
work relating to the
(c) influencing examiners, or
using unfair means during the examination, or
writing obscene matter during or drawing obscene sketches in the scripts, or
misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts,
provoking fellow
examinees to boycott examination, creating a disorderly scene and the like, or
harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the
conduct of their examination, or
(xi) violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with
their admission
ceftificates permitting them to take the Examination, or
(xii) attempting to commit or as the case may be, abetting commission
of all or any of the
acts specified in the foregoing clauses
may, in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution,
be liable l-
(a) to be disqualified by the Commission from the Examination for
which he/she is a
candidate and/or
(b) to be debarred permanently-
(i) by the Commission, from any examination or selection held by them,
(ii) by the State Government from any employment under them; and
(c) if he/she is already in seruice under Government, to disciplinary
action under the
appropriate rules.
Provided that no penalty under rule shall be imposed except after -
(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation
in writing as
he/she may wish to make in that behalf, and
(ii) taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate,
within the period
Manipur Public Seruice Commission
The Combined Competitive Examination will consist of the Preliminary and the
Main Examination.
THE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION will consist of only one paper viz.,
General Studies - 300
marks and will be of 3 (three) hours duration.
Syllabus for General Studies
General Science.
Current events of national and international impoftance
History of India and Indian National Movement
Indian and World Geography
Indian Polity and Economy
General MentalAbility
Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and
understanding of science including
matters of everyday obseruation and experience, as may be expected of
a well-educated person who
has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline.
In current events, knowledge of
significant national and international events will be tested. In
History of India, emphasis will be on
broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic and
political aspects. Questions on
the Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character
of the nineteenth century
resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence. In
Geography, emphasis will be
on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India will relate
to physical, social and
economic Geography of the country, including the main features of
Indian agricultural and natural
resources. Questions on Indian Polity and Economy will test knowledge
of the country's political
system and Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj, Social Systems and
economic developments in
India. On general mental ability, the candidates will be tested on
reasoning and analytical abilities.
Note : The question paper will be set in English and will be objective
type multiple-choice
THE MAIN EXAMINATION will consist of written examination and
Interview/ Personality Test.
The written examination will consist of the following papers : -
1) PAPER-I (General English) - 300 marks,
(2) PAPER- II (Essay) - 200 marks,
(3) PAPER-III & IV (General Studies) - 300 marks for each paper,
(4) PAPER-V, VI VII & VIII (any 2 subjects to be selected from the
list of optional subjects)
given below. Each subject will have 2 papers of 300 mark each.
Each paper will be of 3(three) hours duration.
f N-'
List of Optional subiects for Main Examination ':-
(1) Agriculture,
(2) Anthropology,
(3) Animal Husbandry & Vety. Science,
(4) Botany,
(5) Chemistry,
(6) Civil Engineering,
(7) Commerce & Accountancy,
(B) Computer Science,
(9) Economics,
(10) Education,
Electrical Engineering,
Indian History,
19) Medical Science,
20) Philosophy,
21) Physics,
22) Political Science,& International Relations,
23) Psychology,
24) Public Administration,
25) Sociology,
26) Statistics,
27) Toology,
28) Literature of one of the following
languages: Manipuri, Hindi, and English,
Language Script
Hindi Devanagari Manipur Bengali English English
(18) Mechanical Engineering,
Note : (i) The paper on General English will be of Matriculation or
equivalent standard and will
be of qualiffing nature. The mark obtained in this paper will not be
counted for ranking.
(ii) The papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional subjects of
only such candidates will be
evaluated as attained such minimum standard as may be fixed by the
Commission in their
discretion for the qualifying papers i.e. General English.
(iii) For the literature papers of the Languages Viz. Hindi, Manipuri
and English the scripts to be
used are Devanagari, Bengali and English respectively.
Note : (1) Candidates will not be allowed to offer the following
combination of subjects :
a) Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration,
b) Commerce & Accountancy and management,
c) Mathematics and Statistics,
d) Anthropology & Sociology,
e) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science,
f) Management & Public Administration,
g) Of the Engineering Subjects viz . Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Mechanical
Engineering- not more than one subject,
(h) Animal Husbandry & Vety. Science and Medical Science,
(i) Education and Philosophy or Psychology or Sociology.
(ii) The question papers for the main Examination will be of
conventional (Essay) type.
Question papers in all the subjects shall be answered in English
except those in the literature
papers of the languages in which the answer should be in the script concerned.
Interuiew/Perconality Test will carry 3O0 marks.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thangmawii sisa in kimu
Jamkhomang Lhungdim of Tuibuang Dist Hq tuni zingkal dak 9.30 velin a
tenna inn nuai ah sing at sumbong te in kikhum, sisa a mukhiak in om
hi. Police ten a thei phet un kintak in delh in siluang vala in Imphal
ah postmortem bawl ding in pawsuk uhi. Lamka Police ten apasal
Jamkhomang thudot ding in man uhi.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Manipur Assembly session in December
likely to be held on December 22.
The decision was taken by the Manipur Cabinet with the Chief Minister
O Ibobi Singh in the chair recently. The seating is likely to last two
For the time being there is no proposal for electing the Speaker of
the Assembly. The Deputy Speaker Kh Lokeshwor has been presently
looking after the post after Speaker Dr Sapam Budhichandra passed away
following prolonged illness.
Meanwhile, even though consumers get power for barely five hours a
day, the Cabinet meeting on Friday also decided to hike the power
charges by 30 per cent.
Spokesperson of the ruling Secular Progressive Front Ministry and
Irrigation and Flood Control Minister N Biren said that the Cabinet
has decided to hike the power charge from the existing rate citing
that the rate had remained un-revised for the last many years.
The Government took the decision taking into account the rate of tax
collected in the neighbouring States of Nagaland, Mizoram and Assam.
As per the Cabinet decision the existing per unit power consumption
charge of Rs 2.60 will be increased to Rs 3.25 with certain relaxation
to heavy power consumers. For them, the rate will be half the normal
charge, he said claiming that Mizoram State had already hiked the rate
from Rs1.45 to Rs1.65.
Considering the present law and order scnario the cabinet also decided
to extend imposition of disturbed area act for a year. The Cabinet
discussed the disturbed area status excluding seven Assembly
constituencies under Imphal Municipal Council where the Act was lifted
in 2004 following a massive public outcry.
The Cabinet also took a decision to compensate the losses of
properties damaged during the protest against the holding of elections
to the Autonomous District Council (ADC)s in the hill districts in May
and June last.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pa Zamkhanmuan in a tapa te 2 that.
atate nih Thangkhenkhup 10yrs & Thangbiakmang 3yrs that in amah le
awklum. Siluang te tuni mah in kivui ding.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Galkap Kumpi Kiteelpi : Tedim a Vote kingah dan
Name of Hluttaw | |||||||||
Name of Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Education | Occupation | ||||
Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) | |||||||||
Tedim Constituency | : | 43,749 | |||||||
U Pum Khan En | USDP | : | 12,247 | : | 36.2% | B.A., D.Min. | Ex. Chairman, Tedim TPC | ||
Dr. Kam Cin Dal | CNP | : | 10,257 | : | 30.3% | M.B.B.S., DP&CM, CTE | Ret'd. Dir., Health Dept. | ||
U Vum Lian Thang | NUP | : | 9,074 | : | 26.8% | B.A., HGP, D.Min. | Hotel Business Owner | ||
U PS Kham Do Nang | CPP | : | 2,250 | : | 6.7% | LL.B., Th.D., Ph.D. | Ret'd. Coop. | ||
Total Valid Vote | : | 33,828 | : | 77.3% | |||||
Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House) | |||||||||
Tedim Constituency – 1 | : | 22,410 | |||||||
U Kham Suan Mung | USDP | : | 5,771 | : | 34.6% | 10th Std. | Secy., Township USDP | ||
U Khup Cin Thang | NUP | : | 5,118 | : | 30.7% | S.L.C., C.Th., B.Min. | Ret'd. Duh-Letthauh-Kyikyat Agri. | ||
U Khup Lian | CNP | : | 4,580 | : | 27.5% | B.Com., Dip.Ed. | Ret'd. State Education Officer | ||
U Gin Heh Lian | CPP | : | 1,207 | : | 7.2% | M.Div., D.D. | Ret'd. Navy | ||
Total Valid Vote | : | 16,676 | : | 74.4% | |||||
Tedim Constituency – 2 | : | 21,339 | |||||||
U Suan Do Cin | USDP | : | 6,038 | : | 35.3% | B.A., LL.B. | Ret'd. Law Officer, Chin State | ||
U Lang Za Mang | CNP | : | 5,635 | : | 32.9% | B.A., Dip.Ed. | Ret'd. T.E.O. | ||
U Thawng Sawm Pau | NUP | : | 3,674 | : | 21.5% | M.A., D.D. | Ret'd. Univ. Registrar | ||
U SB Khan Zam Vungh | CPP | : | 1,763 | : | 10.3% | LL.B. | Ret'd. Nursing Head | ||
Total Valid Vote | : | 17,110 | : | 80.2% | |||||
Total Valid Vote in Tedim | : | 33,786 | : | 77.2% | |||||
State Hluttaw (State Assembly) | |||||||||
Tedim Constituency – 1 | : | 22,410 | |||||||
U Nang Za Mung | USDP | : | 5,779 | : | 36.2% | LL.B. | Ret'd. S.A.T. | ||
U Kam Lian Thang | CNP | : | 4,756 | : | 29.8% | B.Sc. | Ret'd. S.A.T. | ||
U Thang Go Khai | NUP | : | 4,686 | : | 29.4% | B.A., B.Ed. | Ret'd. S.H.S. Head Master | ||
U Thuam Go Thang | CPP | : | 728 | : | 4.6% | B.A., B.Ed. | Ret'd. S.H.S. Head Master | ||
Total Valid Vote | : | 15,949 | : | 71.2% | |||||
Tedim Constituency – 2 | : | 21,339 | |||||||
U Zam Cin Pau @ Zozam | CNP | : | 6,292 | : | 37.4% | B.Sc., AGTI, M.Dev.S. | Adviser, PSI | ||
U Hang Khan Khai | USDP | : | 5,396 | : | 32.1% | B.A.(1st Yr.) | Chairman, Lawibual VDP | ||
U Hau Za Dal | NUP | : | 2,944 | : | 17.5% | B.A.B.S., M.Div. | Ret'd. J.A.T. | ||
U Ngin Thang | CPP | : | 2,185 | : | 13.0% | LL.B. | Elected MP, 1990 Gen. Election | ||
Total Valid Vote | : | 16,817 | : | 78.8% | |||||
Total Valid Vote in Tedim | : | 32,766 | : | 74.9% | |||||
Thupuak : Zam Thuam & ZomiToday |