Trucks lining up at a Lamka street before heading Mizoram via the Guite Road, CCpur.
Lamka, May 15: Even as a ministerial team was head-ing for the interiors of Chu- rachandpur district to ass-ess the existing condition of the Guite Road, an alterna-tive road opted by the Go- vernment to transport es-sential supplies, empty trucks numbering about 50 started heading for the third alternative outlet since yes-terday in small clusters.
As the cluster of trucks including oxygen canister laden trucks began heading for Mizoram through the Guite Road, the district administration here has instru- cted the SDO concerned to station its staff at strategic points to oversee and help out the truckers.
Officials from SDO Sing-ngat were stationed at the sub-divisional headquarters while that of Thanlon were camped at Sinzawl, the last village bordering Mizo-ram. A team from the district supply office has also reached Mizoram's capital city Aizawl early today to oversee the state vehicles, official sources said.
Meanwhile, the ZSF in a statement said it appreciates the Govt's acknowled- gement of opening the Guite Road and Tipaimukh as an alternative outlet, although it appeared to be a painful realization.
The acknowled-gement has vindicated their long standing demand for a durable road in the district, it added.
Among others, it also ap-pealed to the Government and the traders that intend to ply along the road to be sensitive over their identity, land, customs and culture and to respect the local ethos.
In view of the deplorable road condition, the ZSF also appealed to the Govt to initiate steps to repair the road as well as the bridges and station bulldozers at strategic locations, instead of se- curity forces.
The bailey bridge along the Guite Road at Tuivel, few kilometres from Singngat is unfit for heavy trucks, compelling them to navigate through the river. An option that will not be feasible once the monsoon arrives.
Meanwhile, concerned over the continuous escala-tion of prices, the CDSU has announced institution of a mobile team to check any excessive increase in prices in addition to appealing to the trader communities not to wilfully burden the common man.
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